Chrysalis MAT

Vision and Values 

Our Mission Statement

A family of schools working together in partnership to provide centres of educational excellence for all.

Our Shared Vision

High quality education is at the heart of everything we do at Chrysalis MAT.  This is because we know that an outstanding education unlocks the potential of all learners and provides them with a wealth of opportunities regardless of their backgrounds or their individual starting points. 

We believe that every young person, regardless of where they came from, their ability or personal needs is deserving of a world class education experience at Chrysalis MAT.  By ensuring that every young person is given this opportunity we can enable them to achieve their full potential and to prepare them to be successful in adult life and in an ever-changing world.

Quality education is the hallmark of a forward thinking and highly cohesive society.

At Chrysalis MAT we ensure that all our learners know and understand the values that they bring to their success and the added value that is brought by others.  In this way we strive to create a learning community that is built upon the foundations of fairness, cohesiveness, challenge and resilience, productivity and innovation.

We expect learners of Chrysalis MAT to be confident to compete with their local, national and international peers.


Our Values

Underpinning our vision and mission statement are our core values which have been defined by all our staff and governors and which capture the values of all our schools: Excellence, Responsibility, Respect, Aspiration and Perseverance.  These expectations underpin everything we do and we are very excited to work with our partners who share this ethos.

Excellence: appointing the best staff who are innovative, skilled and whose enthusiasm for facing the challenges of education in the 21st century is unparalleled and to continue to provide opportunities for continuous professional development for all our staff

Responsibility: provide a safe and secure environment where individual learners thrive as confident, independent citizens who are accountable and reflective about their actions and decisions

Respect: fostering genuine community cohesion and a set of traditional values based on discipline and mutual respect and compassion where we value the unique contributions of parents and carers and the wider community

Aspiration: providing a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum through innovative and quality teaching, strengthened by our exciting and all-inclusive approach enabling us to be at the forefront of educational development

Perseverance: providing challenging and rigorous standards of academic achievement, enabling pupils to make choices for future learning based on a range of academic and applied skills.


Our Six Key Principles

Equity: Total commitment to working together to improve the life chances of all learners through high expectations of the performance for all.

Learning: High quality teaching and learning for all key stages.

Leadership: Rigorous leadership that has an impact at all levels.

Curriculum: Positive growth mindset so that we are consistently developing, achieving strength through challenge and creating opportunities for all.

Professional Development: High quality training and professional development for staff and governors.

Communication: Positive professional relationships between all staff and all stakeholders.